Useful information for tourists


Hospitable Nashville is the capital of the state of Tennessee and a real paradise for tourists. To make the trip easy and pleasant, you need to prepare for it, because every city in the United States has its own peculiarities. Below you will find all the useful information about Nashville, which can be useful to a traveler – especially if it is the first time he is here.

Tax Free

Tennessee does not have a VAT refund system. Despite this, all major cities in the state have seasonal sales from time to time. During these periods in Nashville you can buy some types of goods at a significant discount – they are sold tax free.

Etiquette rules

Once in Nashville, you can fully appreciate the famous southern hospitality. The locals of this city are exceptionally polite and for the most part follow all the generally accepted rules of good manners. In all establishments and stores you will be met and greeted with a smile, thanked for your purchases and recommended the best dishes. And if you’re a country music fan, you can count on a treat from the bartenders at the music bars, as like-minded people are genuinely welcome here.

Internet access

All of Nashville’s touristy neighborhoods have good Wi-Fi coverage – the service is free. The farther away from the center, the worse the connection. However, hotels, restaurants, and cafes provide this service for free even in the suburbs, except for very small establishments.

Nashville International Airport also has free access to Wi-Fi. To connect to the network, you need to register in it, and then fill out a small form. The time to use the free Internet is limited to 240 minutes.


Despite the fairly high crime rate in Nashville, some of its neighborhoods are completely safe. This rule applies to all places of interest to tourists, especially in the central part of the city. Despite this, you should be careful not to walk around after dusk, and to move around Nashville it is better to use a car or cab. It is definitely worth choosing a place to live closer to Downtown, and there you can exchange money if necessary. Going to crowded places, try to leave all valuables in the hotel safe – theft of property here is considered the most common type of criminal activity.

Discount cards

To save money when sightseeing in Nashville, it makes sense to purchase a tourist discount card. There are 3 pass options in total – they allow you to visit the most interesting places and attractions in Nashville, take part in tours, excursions and tastings.

Nashville Explorer Pass. Using this card will save you up to 8% on your funds. It allows you to visit more than 10 of Nashville’s most interesting places at a discounted rate, with some tours included. As a separate bonus, Nashville Explorer Pass holders receive memorable souvenirs and several free wine tastings. Each attraction on the list can only be visited once, and the card is valid for one year after purchase.
Total Access Pass. Allows users to choose 6 attractions from 25 options. In addition, 6 exclusive offers are available to users, which are discounts on tours and free tastings.
Nashville Sightseeing Pass. There are 2 types of these cards -DAY and FLEX. The first is valid for one day and allows you to visit over 30 Nashville attractions for free. The second one is a more economical option. It allows free admission to 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7 of the city’s best places to choose from – the price will depend on the number.